Permanent Makeup/Microblading Services      Book an appointment

 All appointments come with free consultation prior to starting the session on your same day appointment. If you would like a consultation on a separate day, It is available in the booking link below. Over 7,000 clients happily served.

ALL PROCEDURES- With my signature technique (Lush techniques). Numbing is used for comfort. No downtime. No bruising. Little to no swelling. No scarring. No keloiding. Little to no scabbing. Fast healing (within 5-10 days). Longer lasting results up to 3 years. You do not need to shave your brows. Helps stimulate natural brow and lash growth. You will see the ENTIRE designed look prior to start or placement for your approval first.


Lash Enhancement

A thin natural eyeline that contours the eye and creates a fuller lash appearance. Fuller darker looking lashes instantly. Numbing used for comfort

Bottom only
Top only
Top and Bottom


Designed custom to your style and desired look. Contours eye shape and goes beyond the lash line. Natural or Glam looks available. Numbing used for comfort

Top Only
Bottom Only
Top and Bottom


Custom designed for your style and look. Variety of colors and looks. Levels 1-5

Glamour , Natural or anywhere in between. Numbing used for comfort

Full Lips Color/Lipping
Lip Liner


Custom designed for you. Colors to choose from. Measurements done. Numbing used for comfort. You will see entire design before anything is placed for your approval. Free consult done prior to placement on appt day.

Ombré Eyebrows
Combo Eyebrows
Powder Eyebrow

  Hair Stroke/Micro Blading/Nano Stroke/ Nanoblading



Brow Styles: Powder Eyebrow, Ombre Eyebrow, Microblading, 3d Eyebrows & Combo Brows


Retouch Prices

Not everyone will need or want a touchup at the same time. Retouch time frames for each individual will vary due to skin type, daily facial care, how much sun exposure on the area. Fading is gradual and stable. over time the color will appear thinner and/or lighter. Some people won't necessarily need a touchup but just want that fresh look (kind of like when you get your hair done) 

Average length before touchup needed for each look is *Brow 1-3 years. *Lips 1-3 years. *Eyeliner 2-5 years.

Initial touchup ( If needed) 

3 -6 Months 

  6-12 Months  

  12-24 Months  

  24-36 Months  

36-48 Months 







                                                          Over 48 Months regular price

Bundles Available in the booking link with special bundle pricing

Also available - Small Tattoo removal - $100 per session


ALL PROCEDURES- With my signature techniques (Lush techniques). Numbing is used for comfort. No downtime. No bruising. Little to no swelling. Little to no scabbing. Fast healing (within 5-10 days). Longer lasting results up to 3 years.

Please no ib profin, alcohol, green tea, garlic, blood thinners or fish oil 48 hours before procedure, Unless medically necessary.  BROWS- Please wait 10 days after having botox treatments.

EYELINER/ LASH ENHANCEMENT ONLY - Contacts cannot be worn during procedure so it is a good idea to bring your glasses with you. You will still be able to drive. Please no lash enhancement serum used for 2 weeks. Please wait 10 days after having botox treatments.

LIPS ONLY - Must wait 4 weeks from any lip filler service Or 2 weeks after blushing for lip filler.

Areola- Please wear comfortable clothes and a fitted, comfortable(not tight), bra.

We accept credit cards